
Payment Flow


Merchant Prefunds Webpayment, and initiates an API request anytime a client reqests for disbursement.


Webpayment receives the API request and initiates a payout in the clients local currency.


Receives payment instantly for mobile methods, within 30mins for bank transfer.

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How to topup payout wallet

Merchants can add funds to their payout wallet by making Bank transfers to webpayment, and specifying the local currencies they wish to prefund.

The merchant may also move funds from the collection wallet to the payout wallet and use the funds to make payments.


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How the Payout Works

Step By Step

Each merchant has a payout multicurrency wallet that is prefunded. When making a payment, the merhant specifies the currency.

  • Merchant sends payment request via API with: Amount, Currency, Beneficiary details
  • Webpayment validates the request and initates payout
  • Upon successful payout, webpayment notifies merchant via API
  • Client Receives payment within a few seconds